Heung Kyu Female Pleasure Enhancement Essential Oil
Amount: 80
Sent from: China Hongkong
Enjoy Long Essential Oil for Female Pleasure Enhancement
Product Description.
Hexiu Female Pleasure Enhancement Essential Oil is extracted from lavender, ylang ylang, sweet orange, rose, jasmine and other valuable plant essential oils through physical methods such as steam distillation and extraction, which retains the basic properties of the raw materials to a greater extent, with a mild and non-irritating texture. With a simple massage, you can ensure that the energy of each drop of essential oil can be fully stimulated to enhance sensitivity, so that both parties can enter the state more quickly.
The active ingredients in the essential oils are able to fully nourish the female genitals, improving laxity and restoring elasticity. The swelling brought about by the application of the oil can promote vaginal contraction, bringing stronger pleasure to both men and women.
Directions for use.
Apply to the female pubic area, you can pump 4 or 5 times at a time, palm size dosage or more. This product is formulated naturally, no matter the dosage, there are no side effects, no dependence on laziness, non-addictive, can be used with confidence.